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Micah Harp and Family
Micah fell in love with the jewelry business at a young age.
He is a third generation jeweler, following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather.
His grandfather, Ray Harp, opened his first store in Atlanta, Texas, in 1953. Ray Harp’s Jewelers is still open and thriving today!
Micah's Jewelers has 2 beautiful locations, we have served Texarkana, Texas since 2007 and expanded to a second store in Gilmer, Texas in 2013.
Christian Faith
Jewelry Collection
Spark conversation about Christ through Micah's Jewelers Christian Faith Jewelry Collection.
For I assure you:
If you have Faith the size of a mustard seed,
You will tell this mountain, move from here to there, and it will move.
Nothing will be impossible for you.
Mathew 17:20
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